FAMILY HISTORY UPDATE 2024 – we still have good stocks of most Cassini Historical Ordnance Survey Maps of England and Wales. To see more details, please click on the Cassini Historical Maps tab above.
We don’t have the maps listed online but if you are interested, please contact us using the contact page on this website. THANK YOU!
We also have a shop on Ebay where we sell all sorts of historical printed ephemera items – do come and have a browse!
UPDATE as at DECEMBER 2024 – We’ve had a great year, a huger thank you to everyone who came along to the Fairs and to the other stallholders and of course the organisers and venue management. We’ve met lots of lovely people and enjoyed helping customers with Old Maps, Printed Ephemera and Rare & Unusual Printed Treasures! We are now booking for events in 2025 and will be attending Family History Fairs, Book Fairs and Vintage Markets. Thank you to everyone who comes along, I hope you are happy with your purchases or just happy browsing and chatting – we love to meet you all! We have lots of Fairs arranged for 2025 and we look forward to meeting you again then and newcomers too!
Please keep an eye on our list of events which we will update as soon as we have firm bookings arranged. You can also see updates on our Facebook page and on Instagram.
We look forward to welcoming old and new customers this year, come and find that little treasure you didn’t know you wanted (and please say ‘Hello, we saw your website (and/or our FACEBOOK page’, there’s lots of pix there)!
Come & meet us! We attend FAMILY HISTORY FAIRS and BOOK FAIRS throughout the year – please click on the EVENTS & FAIRS 2024 page to find the next fair or visit our ONLINE SHOP (or just click on the red letters).
We specialise in original, vintage official Town, Parish, County & Church guide books and historical Ordnance Survey Maps (Cassini Maps). We have good stocks of most counties – please ask if you are interested in a particular place in England & Wales.
Most original guides contain local histories, information, photographs, street maps and advertisements for local businesses. They are useful publications for Family & Local Historians, Researchers, Genealogists, Map Collectors, Tourists, Walkers, Homeowners and those looking to explore the way we used to live and the places we and our families have known.
We also sell at Family History Fairs the popular new series of Cassini Historical Ordnance Survey Maps – enlarged historical maps from the 1800s to the 1920s which match the scale and coverage of modern Ordnance Survey Landranger maps – simply place a Cassini Historical OS Map alongside it’s modern equivalent to see how places have changed over the years. It has never been easier to compare your area from the past to the present!
Please visit our Facebook page for updates and information & pictures of events (please see the link on our BLOG page).