We have significant stocks of Cassini Historical Maps, albeit a few sheets are now out of print. Please contact us to enquire about any Cassini maps you require and we will let you know what we have. Our price is £9.99 which includes postage and packaging.
If you haven’t come across these maps before, they are ENLARGED reproductions of original Ordnance Survey 1″ scale maps, increased to the modern scale of 1:50,000 and each map matches the coverage of the current Ordnance Survey ‘Landranger’ maps. If you have a modern ‘Landranger’ you can lay the Cassini map alongside and easily compare and explore the historical landscape. There are three series: the Old Series (1805-1874), the Revised New Series (1896-1909) and the Popular Edition (1919-1926). The sheet numbers are the same as the modern ‘Landranger’ sheet numbers so it is easy to identify which map you need – just decide on which the three series you would like … or all three! There is a fourth series which is the ‘Past & Present series’ – these sheets cover 64 select areas and contain extracts from four different dates on one sheet.